Logo der mermaid & broccoli GmbH

Task definition

The approximately 2,000 employees of the finance organization of a large specialty chemicals group are to work in a more digital and agile manner and across organizational silo boundaries in order to deal with increasingly complex challenges more effectively and efficiently.

Our approach

Development of the transformation concept

In three workshops, we developed the concept for the approach together with employees from various departments. The team members conducted interviews with key stakeholders and analyzed them using the empathy map. This made it possible to identify the need for transformation and possible lighthouse projects. Teams were formed for these projects, which – accompanied by us – took the first steps towards “New Working”.

Coaching and team development of the core team

We worked closely with the internal transformation designers, the core team, and acted as a sparring partner, coach and advisor. We accompanied the team building and took on various content-related topics.

Workshops and innovation processes

In addition, we designed and moderated workshops and longer processes for specific projects in the company that went beyond the lighthouse projects. Examples of this include the team development of various departments and a project to design and adapt automated reports and dashboards.

Cultural change and transformation

To support the change in the long term, we trained around 120 internal facilitators and supported the core team with internal communication. In this way, we empowered our colleagues to carry the transformation movement inexorably further into the organization.


Major transformation to a collaborative organization


Specialty chemicals

Mode of operation

Conception and facilitation of workshops and meetings, conception and implementation of a qualification program, individual coaching (online and offline), internal communication

Period of time

End of 2019 until summer 2023

© mermaid & broccoli GmbH 2024