With courage , power & the right skills leading teams to success in turbulent times .

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The management methods and approaches to complicated and complex issues differ fundamentally. The tried and tested reaches its limits when the environment and issues become increasingly complex.

It is necessary to recognize these differences and to have the appropriate methods and tools at hand for the respective situation. To do this, you should expand your repertoire and rethink your attitude in order to achieve the desired results.

With our leadership program, you develop not only the necessary skills but also the right attitude. This will teach you how to deal with increasingly complex challenges with confidence.

How do you solve complex problems?

  • Developing new ideas
  • Incorporating different perspectives
  • Co-creating & experimenting
  • Making room for intuition
  • Empowering self-organized high-performance teams
  • Establishing a feedback culture across all hierarchies
  • Designing cross-divisional management teams

We qualify leaders to deal with complex challenges in order to achieve the organization’s goals collaboratively and effectively together with their teams. This requires more than traditional training.

mix & match

We have developed our journeys, short trips and deep dives together with our clients and they are tailored to the actual needs of today’s leaders.

The journeys combine facilitated remote sessions, self-study content, exercises, teamwork and (onsite and/or online) live sessions. Sometimes you travel in teams of two, sometimes in teams of four.

Our approach is based on a certain logic. One of the most important aspects is the distinction between “complicated” and “complex” challenges. These require different approaches and management styles.

In this journey, we explain this perspective and clarify where traditional management methods reach their limits.

Fundamentals: • What is New Work or New Ways of Working? • Simple - Complicated - Complex • The m&b Transformation Framework
Establishing a Feedback Culture • What is feedback and the corresponding culture? • Feedback at various levels (individual, team, "it") • Feedback in different phases • Giving and receiving feedback • Case study: How to use feedback to get back on track when goals are missed • Live: Conducting difficult conversations

A culture in which feedback is a given makes it possible to react quickly and effectively to constant change and find effective solutions. Giving and receiving feedback is part of the DNA here and feels completely natural.

It’s not just about how leaders can give the employees constructive feedback. It is important that feedback at and across all levels is seen as an indispensable turbo for improvements – both at a personal and team level as well as for products and processes.

In this journey, you will learn how to build a feedback culture. We show that not all feedback is the same, that both praise and criticism are helpful and how you can establish a feedback culture in your team.

Good collaboration is the key to developing ideas. Good collaboration is the key to developing ideas.

Today, team building takes place everywhere and in many different forms. The challenge is to focus on the WE and cooperative interaction with one another in order to achieve good results.

In this journey you will learn when you need a real team, how to develop one and how to really motivate people. You gain clarity about what your task is as a team and how you can fulfill it.

Promoting Result-driven Team Collaboration • Team vs. group • Creating clarity about the team's mission • Roles, responsibilities, and team principles • Understanding stakeholders • The team's value proposition • Team motivation • Live: Utilizing individual preferences for team performance

With the Deep Dives you can take a detour on your journey from time to time - whenever you are particularly interested in a topic and want to delve deeper. At any time and at your own pace.

One of your main tasks as a manager is to delegate. But why does this often not work out as desired? How does good delegation actually work? And how do I avoid pitfalls?

Managing teams with OKRs

OKRs are a helpful and well thought-out definition tool for prioritization, communication and monitoring of goals in teams. How do I formulate good OKRs? How do I keep the team on track?

Corrective Feedback Conversation

Have you held a critical feedback meeting and still can't see any improvement in your employees? Then it's time for a corrective feedback conversation. In this deep dive, you will find out how you can prepare and implement this.

It is important to have clarity about your own role(s) as a leader and those of your team members. In this deep dive, you will approach this clarity with the help of the Role Definition Canvas.

Dep Dive - Psychological Safety

It is immensely important for an innovative, productive and performance-oriented corporate culture that all colleagues can openly express their concerns. That they can say when they have made mistakes, when they need help, when they have questions or concerns. What types of security are there? What can I do as a manager to promote safety at the various levels?

Dep Dive - Creating trustful relationships@2x

Trust is the key to a high-performance team. But what is trust? How do I build trust? And what does it have to do with performance?

Dep Dive - Virtual Teams

Today, almost all teams work together virtually at least some of the time and/or at times. How can good team cohesion be achieved at a distance? How can you be creative together? What should I look out for as a leader?

You can book these six two-and-a-half-hour guided short trips to selected sights individually. In doing so, we shed light on special practical situations that can arise for you as a leader in complex situations. You will also have the opportunity to try out various tools and methods. We provide you with additional tips.


To be able to react quickly and effectively to the many surprises of the complex world, you need self-organized teams that work independently. But what factors influence self-organization? How do you ensure that the teams stay motivated? What is motivation anyway?

Team Building

Everyone has had experience of teams working together across multiple locations since COVID at the latest. How can I ensure that we grow together as a team, even if we only meet on screen? What dysfunctions can occur in a team? How do we deal with conflicts?

Time pressure

Who hasn't experienced the feeling of having too little time for all the tasks - or more precisely, too many tasks for the time? How do I deal with issues the urgency of which I cannot influence? Or how do I deal with the many tasks that lie within my sphere of influence?

Dealing with resistance

The desire to work and lead differently will not only open doors. There will be colleagues who have settled comfortably into the "same old", don't want to change anything at all and, in the worst case, sabotage all changes. How do I recognize these resistances and how can I sort them? How can I deal with resistance and even turn it into positive energy?

Developing the "right" mindset

A "new" mindset is required in order to lead and act appropriately in complex situations. How are behavior and inner attitude connected? How do unwritten laws influence behavior? How can I understand my employees' attitudes and influence their behavior?


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