We accompany transformations , so that sustainable movements emerge.

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We support our clients with large and small transformations. From the development of a clear and motivating vision of the future to the establishment and support of a core team and the establishment of new working methods and internal communication. Our work process consists of the three phases Appreciate, Orchestrate and Cultivate, which are run through in an iterative approach.

Der mermaid & broccoli Transformationsprozess besteht aus den drei Phasen Appreciate, Orchestrate & Cultivate. Diese werden in iterativen Schleifen durchlaufen.

First phase:


A core team of your organization (“transformation designers”) develops a common understanding of the current situation and a clear vision of the future. Together with this team, we work from the outset to ensure that people grow together and also develop personally. At the end of this phase, there is an initial plan for the transformation.

Second phase:


We identify the necessary working methods and teach relevant methods, tools and the right mindset. Together with your team, we prepare the implementation in the organization, test the steps with the stakeholders and adjust them if necessary. With our qualification programs, we train facilitators and develop leaders in order to drive transformation systematically and sustainably.

Third phase:


We support your core team, your managers and facilitators in sustainably anchoring the changed approaches and the new attitude in your organization. Progress is monitored on an ongoing basis using individual key figures.

Changes take place on three levels:
On a personal, interpersonal or factual-organizational level.

Transformation processes are only successful if people live them sustainably. Clear concepts at the technical and professional level relating to structures, processes, products or services alone are not enough. Even communication campaigns will not sufficiently encourage and motivate employees or managers to accept and embrace change.

Making transformations fly requires a clear vision, the participation of colleagues, co-creation of measures and solutions and even a very individual “What’s in it for me?”.

Together with our clients, we develop a balanced choreography to ensure that the measures have the necessary breadth and depth of impact.


© mermaid & broccoli GmbH 2024